The more you learn, the more you realize how little you know…

My Gallery

Slumdog Millionaire…

Video clip

slumdog millionnaire from Bruno on Vimeo.

Jakarta Aerial View

Aerial view of Jakarta during Mudik from Remco Lupker on Vimeo.

Sodom and Gomorrah..

by Chris Caliman

Agbogbloshie is a suburb of Accra, Ghana known as a destination for legal and illegal exportation and environmental dumping of electronic waste (e-waste) from industrialized nations. Often referred to as a “digital dumping ground”, millions of tons of e-waste are processed each year in Agbogbloshie

Processing electronic waste presents a serious health threat to workers at Agbogbloshie. The fumes released from the burning of the plastics and metals used in electronics are composed of highly toxic chemicals and carcinogens. Workers often inhale lead, cadmium,dioxins, furans, phthalates and brominated flame retardants. (more…)

Jogjakarta slum.. Code river

Cities Without Maps – Kota Tanpa Peta is an artistic mapping project for two Kampungs, Ratmakan and Jagalan, along the Code River (pronounced cho-day), Yogyakarta, Indonesia which was produced as part of an Asialink Visual Arts residency in 2008. (more…)

The biggest slum in the world…

NIKE CHOSEN “Rocinha Boys” (short) from KAYHAN LANNES OZMEN on Vimeo.

Jakarta Slums..

Cairo Slums..

Favellas in Rio de Janeiro…